
CH Melukylän Flying Finn

Our import from Finland, Eddie, a handsome solid Aussie who has a lovely temperament

that accepts cats, children and most everyone to love. He is a devoted Australian Terrier who enjoys being with his peeps doing whatever they want to do. Balls are of particular interest – balls factored into the first games he played with his human child Reuben when Reuben was just able to sit – and throw — the ball was great fun for them both!

Eddie is a Canadian Champion and won Best Futurity Male at the Australian Terrier Club of America’s National and won Winners Dog during that weekend with over 40 Australian terriers present.

Breed: Australian Terrier
Sex: Male
Colour: Blue Tan
Date of Birth: September 8, 2016
Breeder: Kirsi Ola
CKC#: 1131683



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